Decleration of Consent
When personal data is submit to our website and clicked on the "confirmation" button, it will be deemed that the user expressly consented their personal data processing by the Data Controller and allows for transferring those data to third parties in connection with the purpose for which they are processed, limited and measured. These matter of data are to be complied within the scope of the disclosure and the obligation are to be fulfilled by the Data Controller and the matters to be approved are as follows:
Dear Sir/Madam or To whom it may concern
- Pursuant to Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 ("KVK for short"),
within the scope of the disclosure obligation to be fulfilled for the processing of user's personal data and user rights and the responsibilities of Modaslan Giyim Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi (shortly, “data controller”), we inform you to obtain your explicit consent on the following issues:
Identity of the Data Controller and representative if any,
Su Ar-Ge Dizayn Mühendislik Anonim Şirketi
Contact Information For Data Controller: Hersek Mahallesi, Şehit Alim Akyel Caddesi, No: 5/1 Altınova/YALOVA TÜRKİYE/TÜRKİYE
-Phone Number: 0226 809 16 80
-Data Controller Representative: Elif GÜRKAN
- Declaration of Explicit Consent
In the Explicit consent text that the user have previously agreed to; User have been notified on the purpose of processing personal data, the category of natural and legal persons to whom personal data will be transferred, and the purpose for which it can be transferred.
You are about to agreed with your explicity consent that your personal data shall be transferred in domesticcally or internationally.
- Under the provision of the Law
- Under the reliance of the contract
- Due to the actual impossibility
- Due to the legal responsibility of the data controller
- Publicization
- Necessary for the establishment, protection and use of the right
- For legitimate interest
Some other examples; reasons such as establishing a contract, purchasing goods and services, selling products, advertising, promotion and marketing.
I declare that I have read and understood the exclicity consent text regarding the processing of my personal data and this express consent text and without being influenced by Su Ar-Ge Dizayn Mühendislik Anonim Şirketi (Company) and during my e-commerce transactions, I shared my identity information, contact information, personal information, financial information, physical location information, visual and audio recording information, legal transaction information, transaction security information, customer transaction information. I expressly consent to the processing, storage and transfer of my personal data/private personal data, including personal information, to the Company's affiliates, suppliers and subsidiaries and authorized institutions and organizations within the scope of the above-mentioned and stated in the clarification text given to me. I approve.